Royalty-Free Stock Images
Royalty-Free Stock Images by InfrastructurePhotos
Welcome to MarketPlace.InfrastructurePhotos, Africa’s largest infrastructure image online store for (Royalty-free stock images) un-commissioned aerial, architectural and construction. This marketplace is 100% owned by InfrastructurePhotos (Pty) Ltd and all images are photographed by the InfrastructurePhotos team. Each image is sold a maximum of five instances. Once the five instances are reached the image will no longer be available for purchasing thus making our stock images “Limited Edition Stock Images”.
Should you have an image request please click here to contact us.
Our online store has grown from requests of individual images. Client commissioned photography is not for sale and should you wish to commission us, please click here to contact us. Purchase of more than 10 images of one building is not recommended as a commission is more cost effective.
We have two key price categories namely aerial and ground images. Pricing of the categories take into consideration costs incurred to produce each image and our prices are adjusted every from the 1st of January and remains in place unchanged until 31st December of the same year.
All our aerial images are photographed from helicopters. Our cameras have sensors that produces raw images with a minimum size of 7, 360 × 4,912 (36.3 megapixels). All images are provided in highest resolution, file size ranges from 7mb to 40MB depending on camera, lense and image processing. Larger Tiff file sizes are available upon request. All images a photographed using Adobe RGB color system. We use the following cameras and lenses for architectural and construction photography.
- Nikon D4s
- Nikon D800
- Nikon D850
- Nikon 14-24mm
- Nikon 24mm tilt and shift
- Nikon 70-200mm
All our images are FX quality images. I trust that is in order and we look forward to hearing from you. Please feel free to download sample high res image – sample images.