Observatory Forensic Pathology Laboratory/Institute will provide Level 4 forensic services aimed at extracting, analysing and preserving the integrity of evidence for use by the criminal justice system. This will also help to integrate the work of FPS and the National Health Laboratory Service. The facility is designed to include 26 autopsy tables – four dissection suites with six tables each, as well as two teaching and training dissection suites. There will be 360 refrigerated body spaces, 180 admission fridges, and 180 dispatch fridges. In addition, the building will be able to accommodate up to 100 visitors to the bereavement centre per day; and up to 10 waiting undertakers. By comparison, the existing Salt River facility has 10 autopsy tables, 150 permanent refrigerated body spaces, and 30 temporary refrigerated body spaces.
The new facility will also be able to accommodate 20 students at a time. This will facilitate the training of trainee specialists at the University of Cape Town Medical School.